S&H Group Delivers on Time: A New MBA Suite Takes Shape at Lancaster University


S&H Group Delivers on Time: A New MBA Suite Takes Shape at Lancaster University


Efficiency and Expertise on Display in New Build Project

Lancaster University recently entrusted S&H Group with a key project: the construction of a brand new MBA suite. S&H rose to the challenge, demonstrating their commitment to quality, speed, and minimal disruption.

Meeting Tight Deadlines with Precision

The project demanded a fast turnaround due to the upcoming start date of the MBA program. S&H’s team embraced this challenge, working diligently to meet the deadline without compromising on quality. Their dedication ensured the new MBA suite was ready to welcome students on their first day. 

Maintaining Functionality Throughout Construction
A key aspect of S&H’s success was their ability to keep the surrounding area operational throughout the construction phase. This minimized disruption to ongoing university activities, ensuring a smooth transition to the new facility.

A Testament to S&H’s Expertise
The successful completion of the Lancaster University MBA suite project serves as a testament to S&H Group’s expertise in new builds. Their ability to deliver high-quality work on a tight schedule, while maintaining a functional workspace, showcases their commitment to client satisfaction. 


Considering a New Build Project?

If your organization is planning a new build project, S&H Group should be a top contender. Their experience, efficiency, and focus on client needs make them a strong partner for any construction endeavour. 

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